*Accounting ~
exam has driving me crazy this two weeks .
sighs . one more week to go~
After 7 May . Let's say Goodbye to everything .
I gotta FLY AWAY ~~~~~~~~~ : )
hides myself in my room more than two weeks ~
never go out except go to class everyday .
This April and Coming May will be Emo months for me .
Anyway , i had decreased 4kgs in two weeks .
3kgs more will be reach my target .
Emo month is always nice for me to DIET : )
Let's say Aza Aza fighting on everything .
Stress with sick and complicated .
I do cherish and appreciate everything i has now ~
As long as i can get my own happiness ~ <3
No one can be willing make any decision for me even myself right now .
No matter what answer i will be give , it might will be hurts myself and of course any-one of you .
So , at the end , please do respect my last decision .
What can say is just Sorry and Thanks you for everything .
Nothing more than it i can say .
Good Luck to all of you .
first sem holidays is coming soonnnnn~
one week to gooooooooo~
i can't wait for my whole day sleeping life in the house with my Diet plan : )
Between that , actually i did planned to go back hometown .
but the air ticket making me headche . Sighs .
getting more and more expensive which is not worthy for me to buy .
Sighs . -.-
Let's time to cure everything ~
HATE my study life : (
*ohmygoddd . fugly face without make up . *SHIT
Hey ,
Stop please .
please dont complain anything while u dont know whats happening here !
Help ur friend more okay , i will be ur fully supporter ?
am not going looking onwards to it . Thanks : )
yea , life is getting meaningless .
quit my nightlife .
stay at home everyday since everyone are busy crazy working outside there .
hey , i hope i can go for work too .
damn hate that my daddy doesnt allow > . <
what i do everyday is just go for class then back home .
no more . thats all .
stay at home whole day long .
and go for shopping alone sometimes . pity ? ookie . get used : )
webcaming <3
i feels nice . at least theres still someone there be able to talks with me and cheers me up every single days : )
lets keep it up and looks forwards coming trips : )
awww ~
i miss sibu badly ~
first sememster exam start by next monday .
it does making me crazy now .
is time for me to start to do some revision .
goodbuai everyone .
everything will be alright soon ~
: ))))))))))
Yeap ,
as what i had wrote on my blog title,
short trips to hometown .
was going back to my lovely hometown last week .
since it was public holiday on friday . =)
spent all my times with grandma and cousin ,relatives and my boys and girls too of course .
i do miss all of you now heaps here badly =(
ohmygodddddddddd .
planning to go back one month later =)
wowwwwww , hoping everything can be go on smooth .
first sem is really getting near and nearer
am kinda nervous now .
hopes can do it well as much as i can in the exam .
bless me =)
shop till drop ?
money not enough ?
bought lots of things recently .
especially dresses and tees .
ohmygodddddddddddddd .
my room goanna be full of kikilala stuffs .
is time to stop buying DAISY LING !!!
> . <
gain 3kg recently ,
crazy .
non stop eating like more than 3 or 4 meals per day .
how coulddddddd ?
GOSH !!!!!
Diet plan goanna ON soon ?
Buaiiii ,
pps-ing = )