October 23, 2009


Seems more and more sons and daughters comments here,
but i doesn't know what for your guys to keep comments here.
is it my blog can let you find your happiness?
or you're trying to revenge?
You're unhappy with me,
or you're unhappy with him,
why don't just comes out and talk everything face to face together?
you doesn't dare or?
don't just being a bitches which only likes to talking craps here,
but doesn't dare to admit who you are and leave down your real phone number here.
Or your guys want to helping me for raising up my blogger's visitors=)
if you want to talking craps about Him,
or mad on what he has done or whateverelse,
just call him and find him out for talk everything,
Don't comments anything bout him here.
Cause he doesn't read this blog.
What with the Money and Cars?
At here,i wanna to saying is:
He doesn't even use 1cent of my money at all,
and then what with the cars?
what between me and him are none of your guys business
If you are unhappy with me or him,
just leave down your phone number here in anytimes,
just talk it face to face.but i think your guys doesn't dare too.
which likes someone that whose keep post the comments here,
keep on act steady and post a FAKE NUMBER
don't you think your guys are over boring already?
don't keep on acting likes you're steady.
Yea,this is a public blog,
humans will view,read,comments and rumours
so i can't stop your guys to post anything in my blogger,
But if you respect me please stop it.
If you doesn't want,i can't forces you too
-That's All-

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