May 21, 2009


sememster exam is still going on...
sej subjektif just now...
guess what.this is the first paper i had blank in this exam
all i study last few days just gone...
especially.last night....
5days more to go...
excited :)

damn holyshitz....
this's what you want to get...
and you're forced me to treat you that...
do whatever you want if you're pro...
up to's you life...
non on my business...
i've no word can describing you anymore...
i'd rather be a stupid than others...
i try to believe you and trusting you everytime...
no listen to others...
you can lies with me.hides more from me more and more izzit...
perhaps it's fun for you...
don't come and find me if like that....
i'm busy...
pissed OFF~!!!!

no matter how much or whatever you tell me...
i won't be listen and trusting you easily anymore...
you just make me disappointed on you once and once...

i don't know when you just goanna end up all of that...

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