March 20, 2009


close your bitching mouth any explaination
i don't wanna to hear more and much
No Choice.Disappointed.End.Changing.Stop
keep it silent or secretive doesn't meant by i don't care in everything
please don't try to betray and cheating around
i do
cause i'm not Stupid or Idiotic
stop your lame hobbies.attitudes.temper
i hate.alot and alot
don't try to hiding behide
hiding more.more i know
how i know? don't tell you
no reason.cause i'm not silly^^
better stop it ASAP
don't approve.don't tell.
nevermind.i don't mind
since i can check it out in alot of way please
otherwise you'll regret it in one day
someone around you is the example
hope that you can understand it
sigh.i don't wanna to write more
just wasting my times
rather go and do something that i like~!!!

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